Work-related injuries are more common than you may think. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, employers reported over 2.7 million injury and illness cases in private industry. Long Beach residents who have been injured on the job need to act quickly in order to make sure their rights are sufficiently protected. At Solimon | Rodgers, P.C., we have a team of experienced attorneys and paralegals ready willing and able to fight for you and help you obtain the workers’ compensation benefits that you are entitled to. We’ll handle the complex legal aspects of your claim so you can focus on getting healthy.
Workers’ Compensation Benefits are Often
Available after a Workplace Injury

California law provides injured employees with robust workers’ compensation benefits. The purpose of these benefits is to help cover expenses from injuries and illnesses and to provide financial relief while recovering from the injury or illness. There are four types of workers’ compensation benefits:
- Temporary disability benefits: If the injured employee is unable to work for a short period of time or if they are unable to perform certain aspects of their original job and are paid reduced wages, temporary disability benefits may be applicable. The purpose of temporary disability benefits is to replace the income you would have earned but for your injury.
- Permanent disability benefits: Employees who suffer injuries or illnesses that leave them permanently partially or totally disabled from a workplace injury, the employee can get payments for loss of future earnings. These payments are based on an impairment percentage which is determined by the employee’s doctor. Then, using guides provided by the State of California, the impairment percentage will be converted into a permanent disability value and a dollar value.
- Medical care: In addition to benefits that cover lost or reduced wages, workers’ compensation also offers benefits that cover treatment for the injury or illness. Treatments the injured employee receives will be dictated by State of California medical treatment guidelines that detail different types of treatments as well as the frequency and duration of the treatments. The injured employee is also entitled to be reimbursed for travel to and from medical appointments.
- Job displacement benefits: Many times, the injured employee will not be able to return to the job they held prior to the injury or illness. In that case, the employee may receive benefits to use for expenses related to finding a new job or being trained for a new position, such as licensing and exam fees, training programs, or placement/ resume services. The employer may also offer another employment opportunity that meets certain criteria.

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Common Causes of Injuries and
Illness in the Workplace
Workplace injuries are often preventable. Hazards go unnoticed or unaddressed, leaving an
opportunity for workers to be injured. Common causes include:

The job tasks
Lifting or carrying heavy objects frequently, working from high places, or handling potentially violent situations lead to a higher likelihood of employee injury. In addition, for deadline-driven jobs, employers may encourage employees to get the job done quickly, causing employees to cut corners on safety.

Work environment
The work environment can have significant impacts on an employee’s physical and mental health. Employers who fail to provide sufficient safety training to employees are setting their employees up for injury. There are also slips, trips, and falls due to hazards in the workplace, and chronic conditions due to poor air quality, asbestos, poor work area setup, or a hostile environment.
Common Workplace Injuries and Illnesses
The most common workplace injuries and illnesses include:
Broken bones, fractures, sprains, lacerations (often caused by slip and falls accidents or collisions).
Muscle strains or repetitive strains;
Back or neck injury (either from an isolated incident or poor work setup).
Traumatic brain injury.
Exposure to harmful and or toxic substances.
Stress, anxiety, and or loss of sleep.
Fibromyalgia, Cardiovascular, or Pulmonary injuries.
You Do Not Pay Unless We Win
To learn more about how our Long Beach workers’ compensation lawyers can help you, call us today to schedule a free consultation.
Injuries or Illness that are Not Covered by
Workers’ Compensation – Take out
Key Steps to Take After a Workplace Injury or Illness
Report it to The Employer
It is crucial that the injury or illness be reported to the employer in a timely manner. If this is not done, the employer and its insurer will likely try to deny the claim. If the injured employee is unable to report the injury due to the severity, a friend, family member, or colleague, can notify the employer on behalf of the injured employee.
Get Medical Attention
Seek medical attention for your injury immediately, even if the injury doesn’t seem severe. Certain injuries, such as overexertion, burns, or whiplash from a collision, may progress over time.
Contact an Attorney
Workers’ compensation cases can be tricky, even for employees who have positive relationships with their employers. It’s important to remember that the insurance company is running the show, not the employer, and they will do everything possible to limit liability. Injured employees need an experienced attorney on their side to advocate for their rights. In addition, the attorney will communicate with the insurance company on behalf of the injured employee. Injured employees should refrain from talking about the injury or illness with their employer or the workers’ compensation insurer without an attorney present, as things may be said that can impact the employee’s claim.
Contact Solimon | Rodgers, P.C.
to Schedule a Free Case Evaluation
At Solimon | Rodgers, P.C., we bring decades of experience to your claim and will fight for you to get the compensation you deserve. We understand the nuances of workers’ compensation claims and are ready to advocate on your behalf passionately. If you or a loved one has been injured in a workplace accident, don’t wait; contact Solimon | Rodgers, The Kings of Workers’ Compensation, for a free consultation.