Every day, you rely on your employer to maintain a safe, clean facility for you to work in. Even if you are very careful, there is always a risk for accidents to take place, especially when you work with other people. Back injuries are extremely common in the workplace due to a variety of different reasons and can be extremely severe. At Solimon | Rodgers, P.C., we fully understand the consequences of an accident and can help you get compensation and medical care for your injury.

If you have suffered a back injury in the workplace, call our Pomona workers’ compensation lawyers for a free complimentary consultation.

(909) 620-7300


Your back is made up of an incredible amount of tissue, muscles, nerves, and bones of all sizes. These intricate and delicate systems can be crushed or torn in a serious impact.

These types of injuries can be debilitating and leave you with temporary or permanent damage. Whatever the degree of injury you have suffered, our Pomona workers’ compensation lawyers are here to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

We represent cases with all types of back injuries, including

  • Fractured vertebrae
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Strains and sprains
  • Ruptured disks
  • Slipped disks
  • Cervical vertebrae injuries
  • Sciatica


When you have been injured in the workplace, you deserve to have aggressive and compassionate representation by your side. Back injuries can leave you with long lasting pain or mobility issues, preventing you from leading the life you once had. If you are having issues with your workers’ compensation benefits or your claim has even been denied or delayed, turn to the lawyers at Solimon | Rodgers, P.C. to help ensure you receive the benefits you are entitled to.

What People

Say About Us

Knowledgeable, passionate, and knows exactly what he needs to do; you will get extremely favorable outcome!

Chloe K.South California Mills

Knowledgeable, passionate, and knows exactly what he needs to do; you will get extremely favorable outcome!

Chloe K.South California Mills

Knowledgeable, passionate, and knows exactly what he needs to do; you will get extremely favorable outcome!

Chloe K.South California Mills